14 Mar 2020

20m FT8

In a short while, I shall go on 20m FT8 with the tiny indoor loop antenna. Results previously have exceeded expectations.

UPDATE 1118z: I have turned on the 20m FT8 (10W). Already 39 stations spotted, but no-one has spotted my yet. I maybe am (unknowingly) co-channel with a strong signal inaudible here. I checked the frequency before TXing.

UPDATE 1230z: Since moving about 200Hz HF I have been spotted by 18 stations! Best DX is a spot of my 10W by N4PSK (4374 miles). On 20m FT8 RX 145 stations have been spotted so far.

UPDATE 1920z:  Still being spotted! 111 spots of me today and 7 in the USA.

UPDATE 2129z: 121 spots of me today on 20m FT8 with the tiny indoor loop and 10W as the map shows. Several 2-way QSOs too. Now QRT.

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