3 Feb 2020

Return to 17m FT8

Although my recent CQ calls on 17m FT8  got no spots or QSOs, on RX 5 stations in 3 continents already spotted with the best being YV5DRN (7611km) in South America. Still using the tiny magnetic loop on the windowsill with 10W.

UPDATE 1518z: Just spotted by CU2GI (2575km) in the Azores on 17m FT8 TX.

UPDATE 1528z: 3 spots of my 10W 17m FT8 CQ to the tiny magnetic loop so far with quite decent reports too.

UPDATE 1648z:   10 USA spots of my 10W FT8 17m CQ calls with the tiny magnetic loop on the windowsill. 13 spots of me in total.

UPDATE 1857z:  Now QRT. In all, 14 stations spotted my 10W FT8 on 17m. I am amazed this tiny magnetic loop works so well.

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