11 Feb 2020

70cm activity contest

Starting at 2000z is the RSGB organised activity contest on 70cm (UKAC). As my voice is poor, I use 10W and I have no suitable antennas (I use my 2m big-wheel omni) my time is usually well below an hour. Activity levels are far better than normal on 70cm SSB and there is no compulsion to submit a log. I usually do even though I rarely work a great many stations.

Overall, it is fun. To me, this is how contests should be.  Scoring is simple and there are multipliers for new grid squares.

UPDATE 2115z: Despite my QRP and 2m omni antenna, I managed 7 QSOs in this contest. No great DX worked, but great fun for about 40 minutes.
70cm SSB stations worked this evening

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