8 Feb 2020

20m FT8 with the magnetic loop

Just before 1130z I QSYed to 20m FT8 using the tiny magnetic loop antenna on the shack windowsill. Already 5 spots of my 10W FT8 CQ with best DX RO1M (2030km). On 20m FT8 RX 15 stations spotted, mostly in Eastern Europe.

UPDATE 1348z:   Just measured the loop diameter - just 0.4m!! The wire is about 1mm diameter.  So far, 15 stations have spotted me with the magnetic loop (10W) with the best DX being a spot by K1GUY (3288 miles). Quite amazing.

UPDATE 1700z:  I have just QSYed to 160m FT8, but managed 31 spots of my 10W 20m FT8 CQs (no 2-way QSOs sadly) with the tiny magnetic loop.

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