9 Feb 2020

20m FT8 again with the magnetic loop

As of a short while ago, I am on 20m FT8 with the small, indoor, magnetic loop and 10W. Already 3 spots of me, but no 2-way QSOs yet. I am still amazed how well this tiny loop works!

UPDATE 1340z: So far today, 16 spots of my 10W to the tiny, indoor, magnetic loop with best DX SM2UHF (2016km). A reminder that the loop is about 40cm across using 1mm copper wire and is just sat on the shack windowsill.

UPDATE 1456z: 19 people have spotted my 20m 10W FT8 to the tiny magnetic loop antenna so far today. On 20m FT8 RX, 143 stations spotted so far with best DX KF0RQ (7489km) in Colorado, USA.

1 comment:

  1. Running FT8 to a 60cm loop, like you on the windowsill. RTX ELAD FM-DUO 5W , M0IFA. Good contacts across Europe, nothing to USA.

    WSPR shows a distinct focus on Europe, just a cople in Norway, Scotland and Greece.
