13 Jan 2020


It is some years since I designed this TX. At the time I needed a quick and low cost way to TX WSPR on 10m.

I opted for a DSB TX using low cost 14.060MHz crystals and doubling. The PA used low cost transistors. These days many prefer FT8, although WSPR works with much lower signal levels.

You may find some useful ideas in the circuit even if you do not use it for WSPR. The site below also has a transceive option. This was breadboarded as separate RX and TX units but never tried as a full transceiver. It should work.

The same circuit (and the transceive option) should also work on PSK31. Just think of it: work the world for a few pounds!

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/wispytx

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