12 Jan 2020

UK royalty in crisis? - NOT amateur radio

When it comes to the royal family I am conflicted. There is little doubt that our history, linked with our king and queens, is a big tourist draw. It probably earns us millions each year. Also, there is little doubt that our queen has done a good job during her long reign.

At the same time, I hate privilege with certain people having too much wealth and power. I have my doubts about royalty continuing in the same way once the queen dies.

There is much evidence of minor royals getting too easy a ride at the expense of the public purse. My wife makes a good suggestion: sell off some royal palaces as hotels and charge huge fees for visitors to stay where royalty once slept. The Americans would love this. Give any revenue generated to the NHS. If some royals want to live abroad let them, but not at our expense. Likewise, cut down on payments to minor royals.

It cannot be easy being a senior royal. The only thing that stops me being a republican is I cannot think of a single person who would make a good president!