8 Dec 2019

UK General Election, December 12th - NOT amateur radio

On December 12th 2019, the UK has a General Election.

The ruling government is campaigning mostly on BREXIT. The outcome is anyone's guess. The opinion polls show the ruling Conservatives consistently in front, but whether they get a clear majority is far from certain. A hung parliament might get us a softer EU exit eventually,  but many in the UK are now sick and tired of delay, with many wanting this over and done with. The trouble is all major parties promise a lot, but rarely deliver. The UK Prime Minister is not trusted by many.

With just a few days to go, I have no idea who to vote for and I am sure very many others are also confused.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-49798197

1 comment:

  1. Roger
    As an onlooker from afar I think the UK has to move on from BREXIT. The only group that seems to offer a way out is the Conservatives. They seem far from perfect to me but unless the UK is able to move past BREXIT the country will just go down hill.
    73 and Good Luck
