16 Dec 2019

Climate change - NOT amateur radio

There is little argument that our climate is changing, although people still argue about whether this a natural cycle or worsened by the actions of man. Personally, I am more than convinced that what we do has a lot to do with rising temperatures and rising sea levels.

Although recyclable sources of energy are now far less expensive, most of us still drive around in cars powered by fossil fuels. At some point when electric cars have better ranges and are less expensive we will all change and drive these; much like flat screen TVs and digital photography, we will change and quite quickly. Cathode ray tubes and photographic film seem so outdated now.

Likewise, we will eat less meat and think nothing of it. Speaking as someone who eats and enjoys bacon, sausages and beef it would not really bother me if I had to eat less, or no, meat. By the subtle power of advertising we will all think eating healthy food will be wonderful.

At some point we will change our habits. Only a few years ago, nothing was recycled. Now we all do it. We have lots of plastic packaging - this will change.

If we do nothing the Earth may be in grave danger, although I think we will change, even in those nations that do our polluting for us like China, India and the USA. Let us all hope we change sooner rather than later. I am as guilty as anyone.

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