5 Dec 2019

2m SSB in the 1970s

When I first started in VHF amateur radio it was in the early 1970s, when most rigs were AM. Gradually people started using FM gear and this mode really took off with the coming of repeaters.

My first 2m SSB rig was a Liner-2. It was a revelation, with distances I could only dream about being workable even with very simple antennas. Nowadays many prefer the "rubber stamp" FT8 QSOs. Back in those early days 2m DXing was real fun and ranges of several hundred kilometres were possible most nights on SSB.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/vuhf/liner2

1 comment:

  1. I had one of those Roger. It had a spurious that fell on a local repeater channel when I used the SSB calling channel. The PO closed me down at the time as I had no test gear to detect the spurious and tune the rig any better. I never used it again and sold it for a song at a rally.
    I remember it was not very sensitive and had a homebrew preamp in the front end.

    Ken G4APB
