9 Dec 2019

2m FT8

It would appear there are few stations on 2m FT8 this morning. A recent 10W FT8 2m CQ has been widely spotted with best DX DF6PW (562km). On RX nothing yet spotted.

UPDATE 1114z: Although just 2 stations spotted on 2m FT8 RX, I have been spotted by 11 stations in 4 countries with best DX spot being by EI2FG (565km).  One G QSO as a result of the CQ.

UPDATE 1435z: A recent 2m FT8 10W CQ was spotted by 10 stations in 5 countries.

UPDATE  1633z: A 2m FT8 CQ (10W to the big wheel) just now was spotted by 9 stations in 4 countries. In the last day 36 stations in 7 countries spotted on 2m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1851z: Now 38 stations in 8 countries spotted today on 2m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1938z: A recent 10W FT8 2m CQ was spotted by 11 stations in 6 countries.

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