10 Oct 2019

BREXIT rabbits? - NOT amateur radio

Unless there is a metaphorical rabbit about to be pulled out of a hat, I think the UK Prime Minister is about to see the total annihilation of the Conservative Party and a General Election. At the moment I think a BREXIT deal seems unlikely.

We are in totally uncharted waters in the UK and no-one knows what the next few weeks will bring.

1 comment:

  1. The problem is that the UK has about £9 billion in the European Investment Bank.

    The UK is also indirectly liable for emergency support to Eurozone countries offered by the International Monetary Fund, an obligation which is separate from the UK’s membership of the EU.

    If we don't have a clean break, we may still be liable for support to the bank in the event of them having to bail out any of the weaker European members.

    Some estimates for a worst case scenario have been as high as several hundred billion.

    There are also big changes planned for 2020 which move the EU further towards a federalist superstate with much reduced power to veto.

    It's worth doing your own research, not many do.
