3 Aug 2019

What am I doing wrong?

Up to now, I had not used my FT991A on any HF band because I had no antennas. Then I remembered I had a small loop antenna that can be tuned anywhere from 40m-10m. OK, I was not expecting great results, but I was expecting to spot stations and be spotted by some. I set the power down to 10W just in case the loop antenna had a power limit. It was some years since I last used this, so could not remember.

As far as I was aware all the FT8 settings were as for 6m, but it sounded different. In the end I spotted nothing on 20m or 30m. I am convinced this is "finger trouble". At some point I will say, "Of course! That is what's wrong.". It sounds like the PC is not getting the audio from the rig, but all the settings seem correct. I am using the SignaLink interface I am currently using on 6m and 2m. Odd.

In the meantime I am back on 6m FT8. On 6m FT8 things sound normal.

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