1 Aug 2019

The 2 edged sword - NOT amateur radio

Like many, we want to support our local shops. We use our local baker, butcher and co-op shop. However, when our local chemist had no nail scissors and doubted they'd be getting more my wife turned to Amazon and they arrived within a few days.

Yesterday we ordered some new sheets and pillow cases via Amazon. I was able to track the delivery man's van and told my wife he'll soon be here. In just 24 hours they arrived at our doorstep. In the end I am sure high street shops that want to survive will alter their working models. In the next 20 years the high streets will undergo radical change.

Part of me wishes things were as they were, but the Amazon model is surely the way of the future. Like King Canute and the Luddites, one cannot stop the inevitable: we either change or die. In the next 20 years a lot will change. This not just the high street shops. Think of churches and other institutions. As people get older and die so will many institutions. Amateur radio tends to be an old man's hobby in many places. Where will that be in 20 years?

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