4 Aug 2019

First FT8 160m QSO with new rig

160m FT8 log 
(stations that spotted me)
Earlier I worked G0BLB (211km) in IO81 in daylight on 160m FT8. This my first 160m QSO with the new radio. So, I think I have solved the mystery with the rig on HF and FT8. This was on the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. Hopefully after dark some Europeans will be spotted.

UPDATE 2030z: My brief 160m FT8 CQ to the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground resulted in 9 spots. The best was a spot by DJ9PC (821km). On RX my best spot on 160m FT8 RX is R2AL (2417km) near Moscow.

160m FT8 spots this 
evening of my CQ calls
UPDATE 2102z: A recent 160m FT8 CQ call (no QSOs resulted) was spotted by 15 stations with the best spot being by OL7M (1126km).

1 comment:

  1. Tried a few CQs on 160m. Hoped for a QSO with you. I saw on PSKreporter you were spotted at least one time in the Netherlands. Unfortunately no propagation between us. 73, Bas
