1 Aug 2019

70cm FT8

After a brief outing on 6m FT8, I am now on 70cm FT8. At first I called CQ (no spots) and am now RX only. I am on 432.174MHz horizontal with the big-wheel 2m omni which normally gets me 100km on SSB in contests.

UPDATE 1112z: Success!! G0KTN (211km) managed to spot me on 70cm FT8. This was success at first try! Thank you Trevor. On horizontal using the 2m big-wheel omni, where the match was not so good, I could only run 14W. Trevor copied me on this. A later transmission with the V2000 vertical (good match) was at 50W but got no spots. I am now back on 6m FT8.

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