16 Aug 2019

6m FT8 today

Just a few moments ago, I switched to 6m FT8. Initially I called CQ with my best spot one from SP5ENA (1392km). I assume this was Es, but it could be aircraft reflection. At the moment, I am RX only.

UPDATE 1045z:  Unless my internet has been off most of the morning, this looks like a very poor morning on 6m FT8 RX with just 1 G spotted. I shall try another CQ call shortly. Probably more are monitoring than transmitting now that most think the Es season is largely over. This is a pity as I have found 6m open via Es way into September. As user numbers go down, this can lead to feeling the band is dead when it is anything but. With FT8, brief openings can be utilised and users are looking in the same spectrum space. Also, FT8 can work with signals weaker than CW.

UPDATE 1112z: A recent FT8 CQ call was spotted by 7 stations with my best DX being a spot by OH2FQV (1751km). So, there is some Es, just a lack of activity!

UPDATE 1238z:  My recent FT8 CQ was copied as far apart as Spain, Finland and the Faroes. As I said, many think the Es season has ended!

UPDATE 1338z: So, they tell me the Es season is over on 6m. Please tell someone then! The photo shows the stations that have spotted me already today using just the V2000 vertical omni antenna.

UPDATE 1454z: A recent 6m FT8 CQ call resulted in just 2 G spots and no QSOs.

UPDATE 1812z: So far 33 stations spotted on 6m FT8 RX with the best DX being EA8BEV (3126km). No Es?

UPDATE 1934z: Today, I have been spotted by 27 different stations in 11 countries on 6m FT8 TX with the best DX being SV9CVY (2728km) on Crete.

UPDATE 2023z: I was about to go QRT, but found the 6m band wide open, so for now I am still on. In the last few minutes I have been spotted in Italy and Poland on 6m FT8. The Polish station was worked on FT8.

UPDATE 2055z: Now QRT.

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