18 Aug 2019

6m FT8 and FT991A bugs?

I think my FT991A has some bugs.

Yesterday I mentioned that I could not adjust the bandwidth to 3000Hz on 2m FT8 using USB digital. Now, the power on 6m FT8 is far lower and it looks like the audio to the PC is "different". On a different rig (my FT817ND) all seems fine. The antenna is the same.

Unless I can prove this is "finger trouble", I am afraid the rig is going back. This is a pity as the rig suits me well.

UPDATE 0845z: Back to the FT817ND. On 2m FT8 I have been spotted by 3 stations in 2 countries using 2.5W and the big-wheel omni antenna. On 2m FT8 RX the best DX so far is ON3ML (236km).

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