1 Aug 2019

472kHz transverter

A few years ago my design for a simple 472kHz transverter was published in the ARRL journal QST. It is also on my website. Several derivatives have been constructed including a version using SMD parts.

Although simple and low power, it has been copied as far north as Norway on WSPR. Although the transverter produces 10-15W output, the ERP from the earth-electrode "antenna" is a measured 10mW.

Now is the time to get ready for "the season" which tends to start in the autumn. In the summer months quite a few stations desert the band. This transverter and a simple earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground are all that are needed to get on the band.

Certainly with more power and a "real" antenna and ground system better results can be expected, but this "KISS" approach you can get over 1000km on WSPR on winter nights.

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