4 Jul 2019

OFCOM Communications Market Report

OFCOM has updated this. I quote:

"Ofcom has today published its Communications Market Report (CMR), which provides data on industry trends and consumer behaviour in the UK’s telecoms, broadcasting, post and digital markets.

This year marks a significant change in the format of the CMR. The report is now an interactive data portal containing all the major datasets for these markets, accompanied by a short summary of the main findings. The interactive portal will be updated throughout the year.

In-depth analysis of this data and commentary on each of these markets can now be found in four major Ofcom reports published each year:

  • Online Nation – published in May; examines how people are served by internet content and services, and their attitudes towards being online.
  • Media Nations – published in August; reviews major trends in the television, radio and audio sectors across the UK and its nations.
  • Annual Monitoring Update on the Postal Market – published in November; sets out data and trends within the postal sector.
  • Connected Nations – main annual report published in December, with two updates during the year; looks at the latest coverage of fixed broadband and mobile networks in the UK and its nations, as well as the security and resilience of those networks."
See https://ofcom.cmail20.com/t/ViewEmail/i/547BBAABA0147EEB2540EF23F30FEDED/952AB8F022CBFC94BA4AF9908B8D85ED

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