3 Jul 2019

New radio

It is not often I get new radios. When I get these, they usually do me for years.

I bought a Yaesu FT991A, which seems to do my sort of operating and covers 160m to 70cm (no 4m) with all modes and an auto ATU. It is supposed to have a 3 year warranty, although I could not find this in the paperwork. I shall have to get MLS to make this explicitly clear. There is also a cashback offer from Yaesu. At the moment, I am still finding my way around. For example, I have still to figure out how to add speech processing in SSB. I need to read the manual in bed!

This evening it was used for a 2m FM net with locals and to work an Italian by Es on 6m SSB. Good reports so far at well below the maximum powers on these bands.

At some point I shall try FT8, which is my favourite mode with my poor voice.

It is smaller than the IC7300, although not SDR based and probably not as high spec. The fan only come on when the rig is hot. Covering 2m and 70cm suits me more. I can turn it down to 5W.

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