3 Jun 2019

UK dealers

This afternoon, I rang the main UK suppliers requesting the best price with free delivery for cash on a major amateur transceiver. I get the feeling they are being muzzled. Even with no trade-ins, no finance and upfront cash they do not seem to understand. More fool them for a sale lost. I can wait.

Why do UK amateur radio dealers remind me of insurance companies, who don't understand the value of loyal customers? It really infuriates me when premiums go up each year even though it is years and years since I last made a claim. You would think they would want to keep loyal customers. No, they depend on mugs being too lazy and just paying up. Personally, I think insurance companies are immoral sharks.


  1. I retired from work some years ago, and contacted my car insurance agent to advise that I no longer needed to include “employment commuting” on my policy, only “leisure.” I was advised not to change anything as the policy cost would INCREASE if I listed only occasional leisure driving, the so-called ‘logic’ being that the risk of an accident would be greater since I would not be aware of the always-changing road and traffic conditions!

  2. Did you try G3VM?

    Also check some of the European suppliers as we are being seriously ripped off as usual in UK. There is a good one in Lille, https://www.xbstelecom.eu/shop/en/

    Even with the dire state of the £ vs € Euro pices are quite a bit cheaper on many models

    73 Fred G4BWP
