10 Jun 2019

Noctilucent Clouds

Southgate News passes on a Spaceweather report that noctilucent cloud formations are probably the best for years. Just about every June the path from Europe to Japan opens briefly on 6m VHF. This is thought linked to ionised mesospheric clouds. The openings are usually short lived and weak, but regular. The image is by creative commons user Novokaiin.

See http://southgatearc.org/clouds.htm#.XP4F7PZFy00

See also https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/vuhf/noctilucent

See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noctilucent_cloud

1 comment:

  1. Till now nothing has been received from Japan or Asia on 6m here. Although I see that from the Greece/Crete region there is propagation to both Japan and China on 6. So far only yesterday afternoon was reasonable. I was spotted in various West Indies Islands. Made a QSO with J69DS and 9Y4D. See my blog... 73, Bas
