9 Jun 2019

Frustration - NOT amateur radio

"Mustn't grumble".

Since my 2013 stroke physically most people think I am fully recovered. On the whole this is a good thing and I am grateful: things could have been so much worse. My main disabilities are my poor voice and feeling giddy all the time when on my feet.

The poor voice is a real drawback. Often I have to repeat myself several times and this is exhausting. I get really frustrated when I need to explain myself, but know the energy to be expended is too much. In casual conversations it is easier to remain quiet. I miss just joining in to casual chats.

What few understand is how much energy I use just to appear normal. Walking and driving are exhausting. To most I look just fine, yet I am clumsy and nearly always exhausted. Life is tougher than it once was, but "mustn't grumble".

As I have said before, do not judge a book by its cover. Often people who look or behave "normally" may be suffering in silence.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/stroke


  1. I understand how you feel. I had a pulmonary embolism a few weeks ago. Fortunately I survived and am on a couple meds. Also damned compression stockings. It comes with growing old. I'll be 80 in a few months. As for your weak voice, is there any mechanical way to increase it's volume. Less effort for you. I know this could/will be awkward, but is there such a thing as a VERY small, volume adjustable amplified speaker that you could wear, that and a a small attached mike to your shirt or coat? Your family has probably fine-tuned their ears to your voice, but perhaps for social occasions it might be useful. All sort of devices for all sort of handicaps are in use today. Most people are accustomed to interacting with others who must employ them. GL.

  2. Hi Roger,

    If you have or can find a cheap android phone or tablet, this app is designed for people with speech impairment. The reviews from users seem quite positive.


    Perhaps you could also use it with a raspberry pi or arduino connected to your rig's microphone socket?


