5 Jun 2019

D-Day anniversary - NOT amateur radio

My father was a Pathfinder. He flew night raids over Germany in WW2 in Lancaster bombers. He rarely spoke of these days. I am sure my dad , and many others, was badly affected by the horrors of war.

With the anniversary this week of the D-Day landings I think the fear these brave people had must have been truly, almost unimaginably, horrific. As they landed on those beaches they must have known there was a high chance of being killed or wounded. No, these were very brave people and it is little surprise these horrors were too much for many to talk about.

Every night that my dad flew over Germany, my mother and grandmother must have been terrified. No wonder he loved his golf on the Devon clifftops.

1 comment:

  1. Despite the nice weather, I stayed in to watch the coverage of D-Day 75.
    Some of the reporting was a bit oddly phrased compared to previous years but it was generally worth watching, particularly the first hand accounts from veterans.
