4 Jun 2019

4m (70MHz)

It is many years since I went, briefly, on 70MHz with a homebrew QRP transverter and a wire dipole. Even with this some impressive inter-G DX was worked. The transverter featured in GQRP SPRAT. It is also on my website.  If I buy a new radio it is unlikely to include 70MHz.

See www.70mhz.org .

1 comment:

  1. Hi Roger,
    I just bought my very first 4m-10m transverter kit from the Ukraine and so will be trying FT8 on this band. I have seem some surprising DX lately on this band using a homebrew converter and a dipole, which fired my interest.

    I had WSPR Tx using a U3S for a while but rarely got a spot.

    73 Ken G4APB
