16 May 2019

Right wing extremists - NOT amateur radio

The upcoming European elections will be test for the far right parties in many EU countries. Although fairly centralist politically myself, there is no denying that politics in many countries is moving further right.

Many of those who vote right wing are disaffected people who think (falsely) that right wing parties will bring back halcyon days without immigrants and the EU.  In my view all EU nations have changed forever and people are being misguided.

The UK and USA have been integrating immigrant people for a very long time. It is important that people coming into a country learn the language and integrate. It is very unlikely those who do not try to fully integrate will feel welcomed.

If right wing parties do well in the EU elections the EU could change radically in the years ahead.

See https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-48264638

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