4 May 2019

Miracle antennas

This was originally the idea of someone from Canada who is now a SK. For some years these were available commercially and I think they are still available from other sources as clones.

The idea was to simply attach to the rig and then match the short whip by rotating the knob. They always work much better with a decent earth or counterpoise. They can only work as well as a short whip: there is no magic. Having said that, I have worked Argentina from indoors on 10m with 5W SSB using just a Miracle Whip antenna on the back of an FT817 and a central heating ground.

On the higher HF bands, when used with a counterpoise or ground, they are only a few S points down on a dipole.  On QRP SSB they should be fine for some Es QSOs. They certainly are convenient. Years ago, when I still had my IC703 10W transceiver, I even worked an LA on 80m SSB indoors. With the internal ATU on the IC703 I managed to get a match on 80m!

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/antennas/mwhip

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