1 May 2019

Electric cars, not yet? - NOT amateur radio

As a low power radio enthusiast (they call us QRPers), I want to buy an electric car, but still feel it is a technology that is not quite there. I feel sure there will be a tipping point when prices fall and ranges are much better. This point is still some years away, unless there is a really significant breakthrough in battery technology. At the moment electric cars are expensive and ranges are not good enough. Give it 5-10 years and things could be much different.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_electric_cars_currently_available


  1. Hello Roger, interesting read:


    And a visual (salt water driven motor):


    (However even salt water needs some form of electricity to store energy)

    73, Bas

  2. A by product of salt water electrolysis is chlorine...

    Still, if the EU have approved it, it must be safe..
