9 Apr 2019

Move to the right? - NOT amateur radio

In recent years we have seen a move to more right-wing political parties. This has occurred in several European countries, in the USA and Israel to name just a few.

Generally people are frustrated with their politicians and are voting for parties that might, just might, do something about this. Now, my political position is centralist. I am a floating voter and am all for moderate leaders and policies. I am definitely not right wing.

Personally, I see the move to the right as an existential threat to the EU. It may not happen overnight, but I can see countries in the EU electing right wing governments and a "let's make our country great again" attitude. We can never go back to the 1950s. We live in a connected world, more interconnected than ever.

In my view, nations need to be more aware of this drift.

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