11 Apr 2019

6m FT8

This evening is the 6m leg of the RSGB organised activity contest. So I QSYed from 10m FT8 RX to 6m SSB. With my vertical antenna, I heard nothing at all in the short time I was on, so I QSYed to 50.313MHz FT8 RX. It must be nearly a 9 months since I was on this mode on 6m. Although I shall remain on all night and tomorrow, it is quite possible nothing will be spotted.

UPDATE 2037z: Although not uploaded to PSKreporter (don't ask me why) I see that G4FKA (207km) has been spotted. I am calling him, but doubt this station will copy me. G4FKA is now on PSKreporter.

UPDATE 2117z: Now 6m FT8 RX only.

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