21 Apr 2019

6m FT8 RX

You can tell there is a contest on! In the last day a total (so far) of 66 stations spotted (mostly Gs) in 7 countries with best DX spotted F4IAA (802km).

UPDATE 1252z:  Now 85 stations spotted in 10 countries spotted on 6m FT8 RX in the last day. Best DX is IZ5YFU (1222km).

UPDATE 1610z: 76 stations spotted in the last day on 6m FT8 RX in 10 countries. Mostly tropo I think. The photo shows those received, although missing is the station in N.Ireland. One station spotted my CQ recently (2.5W). This was M0TXS (56km).
6m MGM contest: stations 
received on vertical co-linear antenna.

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