10 Mar 2019

Still on 2m FT8

So I stayed on 2m FT8 RX overnight and am still using 2m FT8 RX. Since turning 2m FT8 RX on late yesterday afternoon a total of 36 stations spotted. In just the last few hours 11 stations in 4 countries already spotted. At the moment, the best DX spotted on 2m FT8 RX is GI6ATZ (479km).

UPDATE 1700z: Now 46 stations in 7 countries in the last 12 hours on 2m FT8 RX with best DX DL2AKT (761km).
Stations so far spotted today on 
2m FT8 RX with the omni antenna
UPDATE 1906z:  Now 54 stations in 7 countries spotted in last 12 hours on 2m FT8 RX.

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