18 Mar 2019

Palagruza - NOT amateur radio

Photo credit: Kyknos own work
Small, remote, islands have always fascinated me. I was puzzled why Croatia seemed to go way out in the Adriatic, so I investigated further.

It turns out there is a very remote archipelago right out in the sea. There is a lighthouse, but otherwise it is uninhabited. Until today, I had no idea of its existence.

Now, here is a question. Where is the Alboran Sea? Until a few minutes ago I had no idea! It is not off Croatia.


  1. I guess it´s around the island of Alboran - and there is also nothing but a lighthouse!
    Wolfgang DH2WS

  2. It is off southern Spain in the western Mediterranean. If you had asked me 12 hours ago, I would not have had a clue!
