16 Mar 2019

New Zealand - NOT amateur radio

My wife and I were lucky enough to go there in 2009, shortly after we retired. Without any doubt, it is the most beautiful place we have ever been to. The shootings yesterday must have been a real shock. In the past it always seemed immune from terrorism and safe.
Even today it is probably still one of the safest places on the planet, but NZ seems somehow to have been violated. The actions of a madman could happen anywhere. I hope the good people of NZ brush this off as a sad day and are able to move onwards.

If you get a chance to visit New Zealand, do so.  I would be amazed if you are not blown away. Someone once said that around every corner of NZ it just gets better and better. With a population just a fifteenth of that of the UK, this is perhaps no surprise. Imagine Scotland, Wales, England and France with few people all in one beautiful place. Throw in a few tree ferns too. No, NZ takes some beating.

Another place we went to was Iceland. I was expecting it to be barren and desolate, but it was beautiful with green hills and lots of lupins growing wild. Another surprise was South Africa, which truly had everywhere in one country. Some parts were like Scotland, others the Mediterranean, others scrub.  It was very different from how we imagined it.  But, of all the places we have been fortunate to visit, NZ was the best.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Zealand.

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