19 Mar 2019

BREXIT - NOT amateur radio

We are meant to be leaving the EU next week. Yet UK politicians are behaving like a bunch of school children squabbling over a piece of chocolate. Whatever your views we have made a right mess of leaving. No wonder the EU officials are frustrated.

What I fail to understand (2 years after the referendum) is why we did not agree before we triggered Article 50 what we could all agree on! The UK Prime Minister, Mrs May, seems to be very stubborn. Surely she must realise that her deal will only get approved as people are totally fed up and see us delaying BREXIT for possibly years.

The last straw will be a bribe for the DUP (more money for Ulster?) if they support her deal. Sorry, but the last 2 years has destroyed my faith in our representatives in the UK parliament. They are all, it would appear, like pigs in a trough. Whatever happened to consensus?  Bring back the stocks and let us throw rotten tomatoes at them.

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