9 Mar 2019

70cm FT8 RX

Ever hopeful, I am on 432MHz FT8 RX for the first time. I am monitoring 432.174MHz USB with WSJT-X. I shall be on all day using the 2m big wheel which matched well on 70cm and is omni-directional (well it is on 2m!).

Using this antenna I can usually work stations over 100km away with 5W SSB on 70cms. First 70cm switch-on was 0921z. A brief 2.5W CQ at around 1000z got no spots.

UPDATE 1529z: Still no 70cm FT8 RX spots. From the PSKreporter map it looks like 70cm FT8 is quite popular in Japan.

UPDATE 1544z: Unless I get any 70cm FT8 RX spots in the next 20 minutes or so, I am giving up and QSYing somewhere else. I knew it would be hard, but nothing at all. This is sad, as I suspect 70cms would be a good aircraft reflection band and good tropo band. FT8 with its concentration of activity and 15 second periods would be ideal.

UPDATE 1604z: Total failure, with not a single 70cm FT8 spot all day. Now QSYing to 144.174MHz FT8 RX.

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