8 Mar 2019

70cm FT8 in Western Europe (including UK)?

Although I have tried FT8 on 160, 80, 60, 10, 6 and 2m I have never tried this mode on 70cm. I have no idea at all about activity levels or frequencies. I can imagine this band is pretty good for aircraft scatter and probably quite good on tropo. I'd hazard a guess that 70cm FT8  might be as good as 2m (or even better) given decent levels of activity. In reality, I expect 70cm is much, much quieter than 2m FT8.

If you know anything about this mode on 70cm please let me know. I am happy to sit on 70cms FT8 all day and all evening, mostly RX. For antennas I'd either have to use my 2m big-wheel horizontal omni (not ma bad match on 70cm) or my V2000 vertical. For aircraft reflection, the V2000 is proably better, although not for tropo.


  1. I've tried FT8 on 70cm quite a few times and made 1 whole contact so far.
    Frequencies I've found are 432.175 to 432.178 MHz.

    Koos PE4KH

  2. Koss - thank you. I guess this is 432.174MHz USB then. May give it a try tomorrow. 73s Roger G3XBM
