12 Mar 2019

70cm activity contest this evening

Although I use my 2m big-wheel omni on 70cm and just 5W, I usually try this friendly, once a month, contest. I often work over 100km. This is in the UKAC contest series organised by the RSGB. Although the contest runs for 2.5 hours, I am rarely on for even as much as an hour. If you are in the UK or other parts of western Europe, you may want to give it a try, even if you don't send a log in.

As I have said before, these UKAC contests are friendly and good fun. Even if you don't usually "do" contests they are, in my view, worth entering.

UPDATE 2150z: Just 2 QSOs but one was G4CLA (105km), which is a respectable distance on 70cms with 5W to a 2m omni antenna!

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