14 Mar 2019

10m FT8

A local was looking for someone to TX on 10m FT8 so he could test his RX. From about 0853z I have been calling CQ (2.5W) on 10m FT8. He may well have got others active before me. No spots on RX or TX.

UPDATE 0912z: Now RX only on 10m FT8. I see G4WSZ (12km) copied my 10m FT8 CQ call.

UPDATE 0952z: No RX spots on 10m FT8 RX so far today here. A bit like BREXIT, no results yet.

UPDATE 1100z: Just G0OYQ (177km) spotted. I have now QSYed to 432.174MHz vertical calling CQ on 70cms FT8 (2.5W) vertical with the V2000 omni antenna.

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