11 Mar 2019

10m FT8 RX

As of about 0930z, I QSYed to 10m FT8. With solar conditions not looking too great, this is more in hope than anything. I expect to be monitoring 10m FT8 RX until dark.

Comparing my results with John in southern Eire, I think my 10m results could be significantly improved with a change of antenna. Another job!

UPDATE 1121z: Just one station spotted so far on 10m FT8 RX. This was G4HZW (212km).

UPDATE 1200z: 2E0YSO (33km) also spotted.

UPDATE 1155z: G3ZSE (71km) also spotted. No DX here currently.

UPDATE 1711z: No further 10m FT8 RX spots here. I'll stay on a bit longer, then QSY to 630m WSPR (10mW ERP).

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