7 Oct 2018

What a difference - 2m and 6m FT8

Outside of the Es season there is a huge difference between 2m FT8 and 6m FT8.  2m seems to be very busy indeed, whereas 6m FT8 is almost devoid of activity.

Any of my QRP CQs is spotted by loads of stations on 2m FT8 whereas I'd be very lucky to be spotted at all on 6m FT8. Although I have been on 6m FT8 all day, I have spotted just one station here. On 2m FT8 yesterday I had already spotted loads of stations in 7 countries in the same period.

During the Es season 6m FT8 is much busier. I guess 2m FT8 is a safe bet with tropo and aircraft reflection. It is a pity more don't stay on 6m outside the Es season to see how it behaves.

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