14 Oct 2018

10m FT8

Although I am on 10m FT8 for the day, so far only 1 G spotted, although it is early.

UPDATE  1400z: Several Europeans now plus South America and Newfoundland amazingly!

UPDATE 1458z: No further South Americans spotted yet on 10m FT8 RX. I suppose the reception of VO1HP (3744km) earlier only proves the band was "open" in that direction briefly, perhaps just 15 seconds, but at least this proves there was propagation. Without FT8 this would probably not have been possible. FT8 works with weak signals, is widely monitored and all activity is concentrated in a few kilohertz of the band.

UPDATE 1502z: 4 continents spotted today already on 10m FT8 RX at close to the sunspot minimum. Imagine the next maximum on 10m FT8!

UPDATE 1845z: Lots and lots of South Americans now coming through with LU8XAF (13414km) as the best DX on 10m FT8 RX.

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