7 Aug 2018

Storms? 2m UKAC OK?

As you know, I keep a close watch on storms and disconnect everything if there is a threat nearby. At the moment most of the storms seem to be over northern Brittany and just north of Paris. They are many hours away and we may miss them altogether.

Tonight is the August 2m leg of the activity contest (UKAC) organised by the RSGB. Assuming there is no storm threat, I'll put in an appearance for 30 minutes or so starting around 1900z on SSB. If there are storms nearby, I'll give it a miss. Last month, conditions were very good.

See https://www.lightningmaps.org/#m=oss;t=2;s=0;o=0;b=;ts=0;

UPDATE  1849z: The storms have crossed the channel and seem to be approaching Kent. At the moment, I think we should miss most of the storms, at least until late tonight.

UPDATE 1957z: 6 SSB contacts in the 2m UKAC, with best DX 229km.  Not bad for 5W, big-wheel omni, useless voice and just 37 minutes of operating.

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