8 Aug 2018

SETI - NOT amateur radio

SETI = Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence

We have probably been searching of extra-terrestrial life now for about 50 years. Years ago, the famous Drake equation predicted the chances of finding intelligent life as quite high. All these years later we have still not found any signs! No sign of any extra-terrestrial life, let alone intelligent life.

Perhaps we are truly alone in the universe? Perhaps we are looking in the wrong way?

Should we succeed, it could be transformative. However, I am beginning to have my doubts.

Years ago I recall reading "We are not alone" by Carl Sagan. Perhaps we are alone?

Personally, I think we should keep looking, but I am quite surprised that we have found nothing at all.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Search_for_extraterrestrial_intelligence


  1. Roger,

    It's quite simple there was, is and will be other life out there, the problem is the vastness of space and the finite period of existence of life from the first evolutionary period to it's eventual demise.

    The chances of two inhabited planets existing in the same time period, with similar biology, compatible technologies, and both being within possible communication range of each other, is infinitesimally small.

    Take a look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermi_paradox

  2. The Drake equation is also flawed. it consists of a large number of unknown variables that we have to estimate, and who knows how good these estimates are ?

    I certainly think that there is life elsewhere, but too far away for us to communicate efficiently.

    73 de Jan OZ9QV
