8 Aug 2018

Political correctness - NOT amateur radio

These days it is hard to say anything without it being labelled "politically incorrect". A recent case was the UK's ex foreign secretary Boris Johnson saying Muslim women in burkas look like letter boxes allegedly.  Now, as a politician he should have chosen his words better, but these days people are too afraid to say anything in case it offends someone. Personally, I think it was deliberate on his part to get noticed.

I am no fan of this man, but I think we are all getting very stupid. Speak what you think. If we get offended occasionally, so be it. In the past I have been offended by remarks made against me, but I prefer to take them "on the chin" than live in a nanny state in which we are told how to breath.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-45114368 .

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