11 Aug 2018

Hidden disabilities - NOT amateur radio

This has been mentioned here before, but I make no apologies.

Like several people, outwardly I look well (with a healthy tan) yet hidden from view is that I feel giddy on my feet and exhausted much of the time. My life is a near continuous fog. Many things that were once easy are not any more.  Even after a good sleep, I awake exhausted.

Many have hidden disabilities, which are not at all obvious. My only plea is don't judge a book by its cover. If someone feels bad inside, they probably are. A very few may fake things, but most will be genuine.

Speaking personally, I have been like this for almost 5 years now. I am not after sympathy: we have to make the best we can of what we have. All I am after, on behalf of everyone with a hidden disability, is a little understanding.

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