6 Aug 2018

6m FT8 RX

There seems to be Es about with spots mainly from a south west direction so far. I was on TX very briefly before breakfast on 6m FT8 (2.5W), but only G spots.

UPDATE 1042z: Es seems to have moved with plenty of Balkan stations now being spotted on 6m FT8.

UPDATE 1220z: Best DX today on 6m FT8 RX remains S01WS (3075km) in Western Sahara. Funny, I'd have thought Ukraine was further, but it isn't. Must be the map projection.

UPDATE 1233z: 13 countries spotted so far today on 6m FT8 RX. Too many stations to count!

UPDATE 2100z: QRT. Quite a decent day on 6m FT8 RX although no "real" DX spotted here. I guess Es is going to become less frequent. Also, the level of activity is likely to drop off too.

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