11 Aug 2018

144MHz FT8 tomorrow?

Most 2m FT8 activity is on 144.174MHz. As the Es season is drawing to a close now, I may move back to 2m FT8 using the big-wheel omni antenna.

Richard G3TFX suggested I compare the big-wheel horizontal omni with my V2000 omni vertical. There was little difference suggesting the most common propagation on 2m FT8 was by reflections off planes.

Of course some reception may be tropo, so I'll stick with the big-wheel. Mind you, if you only have a vertical stick on 2m then try it, as you may be very surprised. I was surprised that DX that I could rarely hear was commonplace on 2m FT8.

I may swap to 2m FT8 later so I catch the Perseids meteor shower peak during the night.

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