16 Jul 2018

Which planet? - NOT amateur radio

So, the US president has met the Russian leader and, allegedly, blamed the FBI rather than Russia for interfering in the 2016 presidential election. Now, I have no wish to interfere in US politics, but to those of us in the rest of the world his judgement seems "bizarre". This is being charitable.

With BREXIT, one could argue who am I to judge? Just my opinion, but shared by many.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-44852812 .


  1. "Now, I have no wish to interfere in US politics" - so don't. Great Britain has enough on its own plate to worry about.

  2. Larry - quite a few voted him in. I am only sharing what those outside the USA think. As for USA domestic affairs I could not care less. I agree about the UK!

  3. Don't try to make any sense out of Trump. As several ex- cabinet officials have indicated, he is a moron...a dangerous moron.
